
An exemplary environmental approach

Over 12 years ago, Sellor made a commitment to protecting its environment and raising awareness among its yachtsmen of the eco-environmental consequences. Certified Clean Harbours since 2017, Pays de Lorient's marinas continue to optimise their approach. Numerous actions have been taken to preserve the surrounding natural environment.


Men and women serving the environment

Our approach focuses on the environmental aspects that the port can control and influence. It is based on training, management and the principle of continuous improvement in environmental performance. All our staff become real players in sustainable development.

Developing know-how by training our teams enables everyone to get involved. The environmental approach becomes a source of internal knowledge development.

Staff training, backed up by regular drills and tests, ensures responsiveness, particularly in emergency situations (fire, pollution control, etc.). The environmental approach is not an end in itself, but the beginning of a human adventure in the service of sustainable development.

An ambitious program

All the ports intend to comply with regulatory requirements, and propose to involve customers in this project to make them players in continuous improvement.

Each SELLOR member remains a responsible player, and acts in accordance with the company’s stated commitments.

The environmental triptych


Raising awareness of over-consumption, combating waste, installing devices to reduce consumption…


Raising customer awareness, reducing sources of consumption, actual billing, thinking about replacing electrical terminals…


Awareness-raising events, participative science, working with local associations…

And much more…


Communication and awareness-raising among port stakeholders, events, exhibitions, conferences, etc.


Selective sorting, volume reduction, management of clean points at careening areas and in ports…


Training, use of equipment, stock management…

Best practices

Sellor is committed to a number of sustainable development initiatives. The environmental approach is a responsibility that involves all users of port infrastructures, from yachtsmen to professionals.

You can help us in this process by taking action on a daily basis, and in so doing, respect the people who live under our pontoons!


A port has a variety of facilities: riprap, pontoons, lockers, chains… every nook and cranny is used. This variety of habitats encourages the settlement, growth and reproduction of marine flora and fauna. It’s a sheltered spot that, isolated from the weather, offers areas of calm water and relatively constant temperature, ideal for life.

The port, a living space to be respected

Some species need to attach themselves to solid structures in order to develop. Port facilities offer tremendous opportunities ! Others use the shelter of harbours for part of the year or their life cycle, then head out to sea. This is the case for fish larvae and juveniles, which are protected from large predators until they reach adulthood.

The port is also the site of human activities on land and at sea: use of products for boat maintenance, hydrocarbon leaks, organic waste… These pollutants are then trapped in the port by sediments or transported by water to nearby beaches. The proliferation of a particular species can be indicative of pollution.

Our marinas are certified Clean Harbour

Our marinas are certified Clean Harbour

Concrete commitments to the preservation of aquatic environments and the sustainable development of coastal and marine activities.

Find out more