260710-Port de plaisance de Gavres
260710-Port de plaisance de Gavres
260710-Port de plaisance de Gavres
78 places Number of seats
78 places afloat
including 8 visitor places
15m in length Length
maximum length
3m draft Length
maximum draught

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Our documents

2024 rates Visit (pdf)
Rules and regulations Visit (pdf)
Brochure Visit (pdf)
Harbour chart Visit (jpeg)
Waste reception and processing plan Visit (pdf)
Annual contract, see benefits Visit (pdf)


For many years, Sellor has been committed to protecting its environment and raising awareness of the eco-environmental consequences among its sailors. Certified Clean Harbours, the ports of Pays de Lorient continue to optimize their approach. Numerous actions have been taken to preserve the natural environment that surrounds them.

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Gâvres marina

Welcome to the Gâvres marina for a peaceful and authentic stopover.

Located just a stone's throw from the Port-Louis Citadel, this peninsula is surrounded by the commune of Port-Louis to the east and the Gulf of Morbihan to the north. The area around Gâvres is renowned for its unspoilt natural beauty. The sandy beaches and dunes are a haven of peace for yachtsmen in search of tranquillity!